I rarely remember my dreams, waking up only to know I had dreamt of something, but with pretty much no clue as to what. The worst dreams tend to be the ones that stick. For example, the other night I had the quick flash of a man in a bunny suit standing in my bathroom doorway. It sounds like I'm either full or shit or that it's funny, but neither is true. I did dream it, and it was far from amusing. It was just "real" enough to joly me out of sleep, where I can see from my bed that same doorway. Gives me the creeps just thinking about it. Last night? Last night I had a weird dream where a group of people were trapped in a bizarre building - like a highrise full of metal and glass. None were me, which I thought was odd, and I couldn't place any of them. Fictional people. Then came the hogs. Well, the fictional people called them "hogs". They reminded me of the Pinky demon from DOOM, and they were tearing people apart. Finally, one of the fictional people makes it to the penthouse, and it turns out it's not all shiny and metal and glass - it's really like a large mutant digestive system, and I woke up with the uncomfortable realization that the poor fictional lady was in for an unpleasent stay. Weird, right!? I don't know what to make of it either. I remember when I was a kid, I had this reoccuring dream where there would be a makeshift stage in my backyard, and on the stage was an ice cream cone. However, to get to the ice cream cone, there'd be some sort of trap - an aligator pit, spikes, a dog on a chain, etc. Can't explain that one either, but I still remember them. I think the flavor of the cone changed too, but that might be a detail I've added years after the fact.
It's going to be one of the better weeks for downloadable games. Today we've finally got Strongbad's Cool Game for Attractive People on WiiWare, which I've been waiting for since it was announced. My once-regular visits to homestarrunner.com has faded in the last year or so, but there's something just cool about a game based on that universe that also has the theme of the old point-and-click adventures like King's Quest and is episodic. I have no idea why, but I find the idea of episodic games to be simply incredible. I'm easily impressed by new gimmicks in distribution, okay? That, and this is the best chance for me to actually turn my Wii on for the first time in months. I feel bad that Mario Galaxy can't get me to play it, but I'm easily distracted. Then Wednesday brings Bionic Commando on the 360, which I will also be downloading. It's been a good long time since I played BC, but it looks like this new take on classic does it's best to hold true while also bringing new visuals and stuff to the mix - I can appreciate that. Everyone seems to be talking about Braid, and whether or not it's worth $15, but that's crazy - as long as it's as good as everyone seems to think it is, who cares if it's $15? That's pretty reasonable if you're getting a game that's entertaining and isn't just another piece of XBLA shovelware. Penny Arcade's game ran a high price too, but I felt it was worth the cost and not just entertaining, but funny - an attributes most games just can't pull off correctly. I didn't download Braid, and the truth is I probably won't just because I'm not psyched now, so I won't be later. Nevertheless, the bitching is unfounded... So cut it out.
It's August and it's 2008, that can only mean it's time for the Olympics. Perhaps it makes me a bad American, but I've never been a fan of the Olympics. Since I was a kid, the only thing that the Olympics meant to me was that NBC was going to be screwed up for weeks - and the feeling still stands. Worse yet, it seems every other station has decidedthat instead of some putting together some sweet counter-programming for folks like me, they'd just give up and program relentless garbage so that my only alternative is to watch DVDs or try out my skill at reading tea leaves (by the way, Kevin Francis, do not get on that plane!). The Olympic games confuse me, and while I can entertained by Men's Basketball, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take Table Tennis seriously. Does it take skill? Sure - but that doesn't make it look any less like grown men are playing a rather ridiculous game or making me think of Forrest Gump, something I'm not fond of recalling, but since he was involved in so much our collective history, it's hard not to at least address him and his accomplishments. Of course, all these crazy events get time, and yet Baseball has been removed. Go figure. I have to feel bad for the guys playing beach Volleyball at 2am EST, knowing that no one will be able to appreciate their long, flowing locks and spray tan. It's okay, brah!
1 comment:
I downloaded Bionic Commando today. Awesome! I died at the first boss and had to start over.
When I was a kid I had a dream that bright lights were flashing in front of my eyes and I heard an otherworldly voice say, "do not be scared, do not be afraid." Then I woke up wondering if it was a dream or not. At least it was bright lights and not a man in a bunny suit, or a talking icecream cone.
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